Organically Grown Green Coffee
We care about where your coffee comes from, who farms it, and how they’re compensated. That’s why we partner with our hardworking farmers directly—no middleman. We support them with above average wages, always!
Carefully Selected Coffee Beans
Our farmers select the best coffee beans one by one with their hands. They make sure there are not any defective beans being selected.
Unreal Aroma
Cameroon coffee is blessed with volcanic soil, high altitudes and no surrounding pollutants therefore thrives independently of chemical inputs and is grown by small-holder farms. No fertilizers and pesticides are used at all.
Freshly Air Roasted
After carefully selecting green beans, we roast them using our patented air-roasting technology. This is what makes our coffee taste fresh and clean without bitterness.
Unreal Aroma
Air-roasted coffee offers a superior flavour experience, enhanced aroma, precise control over the roasting process, reduced bitterness and acidity.
Sustainable Standards
Air-roasting uses an eco-friendly and energy-efficient all electric design. The use of hot air circulation reduces energy consumption compared to other roasting methods. Moreover, the precise control and consistent results of air-roasting reduce the likelihood of wasted batches, resulting in a more efficient and sustainable coffee production process.
Farmers Fairness
We care about where your coffee comes from, who farms it, and how they’re compensated. That’s why we partner with our hardworking farmers directly—no middleman. We support them with above average wages, always!